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Myths About Wedding Ring Online

6 Myths About Wedding Ring Online Keeps You From Growing

Wedding ring is one of the most important pieces of jewelry you’ll ever own. Whether you’re wearing diamond wedding ring or not, they’re a symbol of commitment to your partner and family. But many myths still surround this tradition—and they can keep you from growing as a person or making good decisions when it comes to love, marriage and family planning. In this post we’ll go over six common myths about wedding ring ceremonies that you may have heard growing up or even today:

Myth #1: Having a ring allows you to have an engagement party.

Engagement parties are a way to celebrate your engagement. They’re not necessary, but they can be a fun way to share the news with friends and family. A wedding ring is just another symbol of your relationship and should not be confused with an engagement party.

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Myth #2: Having a ring allows you to have an engagement party.

This myth is similar to myth #1 in that it’s based on false information about wedding rings online in general; however, it does have some truth behind it (which makes sense since most people don’t know much about them).

The idea here is that if you get married with no rings on your fingers then there will be no reason for friends or family members who already know about your plans for marriage not attend since they won’t see anything special about seeing two people holding hands together! In reality though this isn’t true because there are plenty of other reasons why someone might want their loved ones around when announcing their new status as husband/wife regardless of what kind of jewelry choices they make during this time period.”

Myth #2: You should have an engagement party before the wedding

Engagement parties are a thing of the past. They’re expensive, time-consuming and boring. You don’t have to have an engagement party if you don’t want one—but if you do choose to throw one, it should be fun!

If you decide against having an engagement party for whatever reason (maybe because your parents won’t let them go), then this myth is probably not going to affect your decision much at all. If however, someone asks what’s going on with their future spouse…well then maybe now would be a good time for them to hear about how much love there is between these two people before getting married?

Myth #3: Only women can wear engagement rings.

Another common misconception is that engagement rings are traditionally only worn by women. In fact, there’s nothing stopping you from wearing one! Engagement or Wedding rings gold can be worn by anyone who wants to wear one—even if you’re not a woman and even if the ring itself has no signifying meaning for your relationship.

The most important thing about an engagement ring is that it fits on your hand properly. If a ring doesn’t fit properly on either of your hands, then it likely won’t look as good once it’s placed onto them. So make sure that both parties involved in this decision have their sizes measured and ordered before making any purchases!

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When it comes down to what kind of jewelry should go onto each person’s hands during an intimate moment like this (or any other time), gold or platinum will typically win out over other materials because they last longer without tarnishing too quickly when exposed outdoors all day long every day until death do us part because apparently those two metals are pretty expensive depending on where in America we live but I’m sure something else would work just fine too so don’t stress yourself out too much over these kinds decisions just yet–unless maybe they’re really important ones like buying groceries after all these years together…

Myth #4: The couple’s mothers should be in charge of planning the ring ceremony.

When it comes to the wedding, there is a lot of planning that goes into it and many different aspects that need to be taken care of. However, since this part of your wedding is so important, you want someone else who knows what they’re doing to do their job well. But what if your parents don’t know how exactly? Or worse yet—they might not even like you as much as they like their other children (and vice versa)? In this case, having them plan your wedding can be stressful and confusing for both parties involved!

The best way around this problem is by having someone else take over all those duties while ensuring that no matter what happens during this time period—whether good or bad—you’ll still have fun!

Myth #5: Your parents need to pay for the wedding ring.

You may be convinced that your parents will pay for the wedding ring for men and women. This is not true! If you’re planning on getting married and want to spend as little money as possible, there are plenty of ways to save up for an engagement ring without relying on family members.

You can ask friends and family members for loans or help to pay off your debts by asking them if they’d be willing to lend some cash towards the purchase of a beautiful sparkler. You could also consider working part-time jobs while going back-and-forth between school and work so that you have more time available for saving up and making payments toward buying yourself something special like this one from Harry Winston Diamonds (an online retailer). The options are endless—you just need creativity!

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Myth #6: If you’re having a mixed-race wedding, you need to have a separate ring ceremony for each culture represented.

Myth #6: If you’re having a mixed race wedding, you need to have a separate ring ceremony for each culture represented.

The ring ceremony is not a wedding. It is not religious or cultural in any way, and it does not represent your relationship as an entire couple. It’s just a celebration of the engagement between yourself and your partner! If someone wants to bring their own cultural traditions into this momentous event—that’s great! But don’t assume that everyone else will want theirs as well (or vice versa). And ask yourself: Why are we even doing this? What purpose does our choice serve?

Not all of these are actually myths about getting married.

There are a few myths about getting married that you might have heard, but which are actually myths about the wedding itself.

  • Myth 1: My ring will get lost or stolen.

This is a common fear for many brides-to-be and soon-to-be wives, but there’s no need to worry! Weddings are chock full of security measures—from having two wedding rings online (one for each person) to using your own personal safe deposit box at the bank where you get your checks in case something happens during the ceremony itself (like someone taking off with your ring). If this doesn’t make you feel better, consider this: If someone tried to steal your wedding band after giving it back to you as part of a vow renewal ceremony, they’d have trouble seeing how not being able to see it makes any difference anyway.


As a wedding planner and someone who has been around for a while, I’ve seen many couples get married. I can tell you that most of these myths aren’t true and are just outdated ideas about rings. The truth is that you don’t need an engagement party, the ring ceremony isn’t really what it used to be (or at least not anymore), and your parents don’t have to pay for anything anymore!

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